Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

At River City Community Church We believe that god calls us to help parents raise children that:

Love God, Love themselves, and love others

We believe that we are called to resource and assist parents in the raising of their children. Through our Sunday morning kids program we help give kids the groundwork from which parents can build at home, a healthy spiritual foundation.

Sundays at River City Kids

The Plan

The Kids will check-in at the check ins area then they will head into the sanctuary to worship with their parents*
After Worship is over the children will be dismissed to their classes.

*Babies and Toddlers can head directly to their class

Why are the Kids in service during worship?

As part of our strategy at RC3 we believe kids learn to worship Jesus by watch their parents and other adults worship Jesus. So we bring them in to worship with us so that they will see and learn how to worship.

Wednesdays at River City Kids

The Plan

The Kids will bet in the service with the parents. Our wednesday night service is a family prayer and worship night. The children our welcome to come and pray or to bring coloring books or quieter toys to play with.

Prayer is Quiet. Why are the Kids in service?

Kids will learn to pray by watching others pray. So we bring them in to learn to pray and to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.
God made kids loud.  We welcome them just as they are, because Jesus welcomes just as they are.

Sunday Mornings


City Kids is our birth-5th kids ministry. Within River City Kids are programs designed to help teach your children about the love of Christ. 

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