We Stand Together in Hard Times
Christmas is going to to be tough this year for many families. That is why God has called on us in hard times to bind together and support one another. Project Joy is our Christmas project to help RC3 families have a Merry Christmas. Project Joy aims to ensure that our families in need have gifts for their children, dinner for their family, and Joy that comes from Jesus.
Below are the principles that guide this project:
Peace and Joy and Gifts from Above
Project Joy aims to help point families to the Peace and Joy of Jesus, by helping them with practical Christmas needs like gifts and food.
Parents are the Heroes
Project Joy ensures that the children only see the gifts from the parents by giving the gifts directly to the parents to give their children.
Christmas Matters!
Project Joy works to give you and your family the best Christmas ever!
Jesus Cares
Project Joy aims to strengthen your Hope in Jesus!
Project Joy Important Dates
Now-Project Joy is Open
Both parents an sponsors can apply to help.
Nov 24 Application Deadline Closes
Nov 25 Asignments Given
The Week of Thanksgiving all Sponsors will be contacted with their assignment
Dec 16-20 Gift Pick Up
Come and Pick up the Gifts!
Dec 8th Sponsor Gift Return
The Gift Sponsors can return their gifts
Dec 25th Christmas Day
Jesus Has Come. Celebrate the Birth of Christ!
Christmas is Coming!